Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Some interesting anagrams...

If you rearrange, Princess Diana; you get, End is a car spin...

If you rearrange, Monica Lewinsky; you get, Nice silky woman...

If you rearrange, Dormitory; you get, Dirty room...

If you rearrange, Election results; you get, Lies - Let's recount...

If you rearrange, Astronomer; you get, Moon starer...

If you rearrange, Slot machines; you get, Cash lost in me...

If you rearrange, Desperation; you get, A rope ends it...

If you rearrange, The eyes; you get, They see...

If you rearrange, Eleven plus Two; you get, Twelve plus One...

If you rearrange, A decimal point; you get, I'm a dot in place...

And the last, but not the least...

If you rearrange, Mother-in-law; you get, Woman Hitler...


  1. हा-हा-हा
    मजेदार रिअरेंज है जी


  2. धन्यवाद, अन्तर भाई...


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