Friday, August 02, 2013

वाट लगा देता है शाब्दिक अनुवाद... (Translating, literally, will kill anything...)

A Firangi asked me if I can help him understand the literal meaning of this song...

"बलम पिचकारी, जो तूने मुझे मारी, तो सीधी-सादी छोरी शराबी हो गई...
जीन्स पहनके, जो तूने मारा ठुमका, तो लट्टू पड़ोसन की भाभी हो गई..."

I sheepishly answered, "Dear beloved, when you assaulted me with a stream of water from a liquid projectile launcher, an ostensibly normal and balanced female became alcoholic... When you wore denim and oscillated your pelvic girdle in one direction, the adjoining resident's sister-in-law began showing symptoms of an obsession-driven psychological disorder..."

Courtesy: Vaibhav Rastogi

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